Studies on factors affecting natural regeneration: Factors affecting natural regeneration of Silver Fir and Spruce including seed dispersal, seed germination and seedling establishment were studied in detail and alternate method of successful artificial regeneration of the failed areas suggested to the SFDs.
Silver fir forest-A view
Spruce Forest-A view
Studies on seed germination: Developed technology for breaking dormancy in Himalayan Pencil Cedar (Juniperus polycarpos) and produced more than 10 thousand plants to HP state forest department.
Genetic variability in Cedrus deodara: Genetic variability in fifteen populations of Cedrus deodara studied through isozyme analysis revealed variation in the populations for allelic diversity and differentiation, heterozygosity and genetic distances. As these populations originate from different geographical areas and occupy different geological formations, yet the allozymic variation showed tendencies of grouping based on the values shown by these populations for population parameters and was grouped into three clusters.