The herbarium was established in July, 2000.We have collected 1500 plant species (properly identified) of around 135 families of western Himalaya especially from cold deserts; other areas of collection include higher temperate regions of Shimla district; Rupi Bhaba WLS; Remote Chamba, GHNP Kullu, Churdhar WLS; Sirmour and Baddi areas of Lower Himachal. The Herbarium has around 6000 specimens mounted and pasted on the herbarium sheets. Identified 28 Medicinal Plants species listed in Red Data Book. Contributed 125 specimens each to FRI Herbarium and BSI Herbarium at Dehradun. Other works include identification of voucher specimens from other organisations on payment basis (present clients include FSI, Shimla); Sale of Herbaria sheets; Educating school children and other visitors about Herbarium methods